backpacker indonesia : Despite hundreds of years have passed, the machines were still steam with a loud bark. He never tired as energy blackmail. Keep working hard until today. Grind the aromatic scent of thousands of tons of sugar cane. Turn it into millions of crystal delicate sweet taste. As sweet and sewangi glory that had once produced.
During the colonial period, Dutch East Indies colonial government to exploit Indonesia's natural results on a large scale. One of them is sugar cane. Sweet stem that produces this sugar into an asset for the company's flagship trade of colonial rule, East India Company, during the period.
No wonder, in the mid-19th century, the Dutch East Indies government built many aliases fabriek Suiker sugar factories in Indonesia. In Java alone, more than 150 feet of sugar factories spread across various regions. The result, Indonesia grown into one of the largest sugar producer in the world at that time (the second largest after Cuba). This took place between the years 1889 to 1925 before declining due to economic depression in 1930.
Sugar Factory (PG) Gondang Winangoen in Klaten is one Suiker fabriek built at that time. This factory was founded in 1860 by N.V. Cultur Klatensche Maatschappij, which is located in Amsterdam. Winangoen Gondang name was taken from a factory located kawedanan place.
As the company's nationalization in 1957, the factory name changed to New Gondang PG and all the buildings that exist in the complex declared a heritage area.
With a total land area reaches 15 hectares, the complex is divided into three main areas of office area, employee housing areas, and areas of production plants.
Special part of the PG Gondang Winangoen are major manufacturing areas in the east side of the factory complex, a large building with thick walls and ceiling that hangs high.
Steam-powered machines (steam engines) are still preserved relics of the colonial era to the production process. Despite advanced age, those machines are still full of energy to bark loudly. The oldest machine still in use is the engine B. LaHaye & Brissoneau from 1884. Here there are nine boiler evaporation, evaporator tank 15, and 5 milling machine with big wheels to drive a motor serrated.
One more thing that was quite interesting in PG Gondang Winangoen is a steam locomotive (steam loco) called Rendeng 8 which were used to transport sugar cane stalks from the plantation to the factory. Cab that was made by Orenstein & Koppel, Amsterdam in 1931 it still works fine and is now used as tourist cab. In addition, there were still about 13 locomotives which are listed below. Oldest cab plant is owned by a German production of steam cab in 1818, named "stained" and is now used as a display at the Museum of Western Sugar.
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