The year 1785, at sat Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono II is having throne in Kraton ngayogjakarta Hadiningrat, built a wall made from brick along the length of 5 km as defence fortress from Dutch attack. Wall encircling this kraton then usualy is called as fortress, and has 5 fruit of gateway connecting world in kraton ( njeron beteng) with world outside kraton.
Because form of curved gateway that is people calls it ' plengkung'. Now, only Plengkung Wijilan and Plengkung Gading which still seen intact. Medium of 3 other plengkung has collapsed.
Plengkung Wijilan actually girds name of opening as Plengkung Tarunasura, what has philosophy meaning " Braveman Young Man". While public around mentioning it with Plengkung Wijilan", because this place is entrance dank external e to complex kraton, or Javanese calls it ' wijil'.
But, why then region ' njeron beteng ' which is including this Kecamatan Kraton then becomes sentra gudheg Jogja? It is possible that, here is central from food supplier for young soldiers of Kraton Ngayogjakarta heroic, makes provision against Dutch army incursion Possibly* ( Jo)
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