Hello, safe of Monday… ." Voice that is which we would hear when contacting number Dagadu Djokdja. Greeting typical of that also which for example making them can stay in the middle of siege of external fashion product.
Beginning of year 1990-an a number of youngsters which still having status jumpy and apprehensive student with adventure of his(its creative masterpiece is till now. His(its creative masterpiece process tends to has not can get place in public. More than anything else they wish one places where the masterpieces confessed by many people and useful.
Then fresh breeze came when is exist " leak" from Mr. Wondo Amiseno about will be built it mall ( at that time became the only in Jogja) which is not merely for konter-konter shop, but also cloister merchant concept. A few the leaks lures at the same time answers apprehension of the young children. They then compromised makes masterpieces they are part of the mall concept.
The problem of kaos oblong selected, in fact since beginning of was not meant like that. But, kaos becomes one of product typical of their cinderamata. " Because we have been accustomed to tourism products, one of them is kaos and other pernik-pernik," says Ahmad Noor Arif, Director PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja. Its(the on unique, name of dagadu instead have never emerges until they to have potting in the mall.
Step gone through by them it is possible that quickly and brings new phenomenon in the form of business which revolutif. " Though at that time, we mostly architecture technique student is less so(after understanding with business line, he..he..he.. ," accuses it.
But intention they which wish to make thing having a meaning (of) typically for its(the town is stronger compared to to manages technical of business. Now, nahkoda company producing it full of this persiflage controlled from its(the head office in area Jalan Pakuningratan. Even its(the product inviting smiles and invites joking, children Dagadu simply develops its(the business is seriously.
Time which then sharpens them must have good management system for development of company hereinafter. Range of time 1994 until beginning of the year 2000 is a period of golden of Dagadu. At least, the years becomes company era is having logo the dilated eye. " In exact calculates of course we have never does. But in that year, we really experiences increase which signifikan for amounts kaos sold," said this sturdy man.
Then how with now happened when similar business has started marak, whereas name of Dagadu has flagged until becoming town ikon Jogja? " Which we do is with interest makes professional, effective, and efficient worked us," he/she said. Any way, adds it, Dagadu till now has become life arm rest for tens of employee and pride Kota Budaya.
Recipe that is now gone through that is by streamlining parts of promotion and marketing. Meanwhile, design becomes bodywork which must be given motion space to give support from to creative process. " However, desainer becomes important component to open new colour of Dagadu
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