Tuesday, June 10, 2008

backpacker 1 : All About Jogja

Under mount shadow as high as 2914 metre, so-called Gunung Merapi, stands up Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat, one of empire of Mataram in Java.

Now is conceived of Yogyakarta ( Jogja) starts the year 1755, when region Kerajaan Mataram is divided to to become Sultanate Yogyakarta and Surakarta ( Solo).

Keraton Yogyakarta built by Pangeran Mangkubumi at that moment, and he applies keraton as center area very influential in Java since century ke-17. Keraton remain to be center traditional life and though there are modernization in century ke-20, keraton remain to transmits spirit [of] perity, what marked with its(the culture during for centuries.

Yogyakarta is one of center culture in Java. Music gamelan is sight from past, classical and sejaman, show of a real beautiful Java dances and inebriats, demonstrates shadow play and hundreds of traditional artistry of making the visitors fascinated.

Spirit [of] remarkable life and warm feeling of this town x'self seldom fade. Contemporary art also grows in its(the fertility culture and public Yogyakarta. ASRI, AKADEMI SENI RUPA, for example, be center artistry here, and Yogyakarta has registered its(the name as a important modern paint art school in Indonesia, which could probably be examplizeed in artist figure impresionis, Affandi.

This province is one of solid area in Indonesia and is main gate towards center Java where geographically this place stays. Unfolds from Gunung Merapi in northside towards Indian Ocean in side south. Daily air transport connects Yogyakarta with Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bali, also train and transportation of bus offers journey of land with same route.

Special Region Province Yogyakarta ( shortened with Jogja), be one of 34 provinces in Indonesia. This province divided to become 5 area level of II, Kotamadia Yogyakarta, Sub-Province Bantul, Kabupaten Sleman, Sub-Province Kulon Progo, and Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Wide Yogyakarta around 3186 square kms, with resident total 3.226.443 ( Statistic December 1997). This famous province as culture town and education and is area purpose of wisata.

Based upon the history, before 1755 Surakarta is capital of Kerajaan Mataram. After agreement Gianti ( Palihan Nagar) at 1755, mataram is divided to to become 2 empire: Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat and Kasultanan Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat. Follows habit, Prince Mangkubumi,brother Susuhunan Pakubuwono II, crowned as Raja Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat. Then he(she conceived of my Hameng Sultan Buwono I Pada the year 1813, under colonization of British, dissociation of empire of Mataram happened for its(the ketiga-kali. Prince Notokusumo, putra from my Hameng Buwono I, crowned as its(the Pangeran Paku Alam I Kerajaan separated from Kasultanan Yogyakarta.

When Republic of indonesia stands up by 17 Augusts 1945, what symbolised with signing Proklamasi Kemerdekaan, Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat and Pakualaman one as wrong one of province in Indonesia where my Sri Sultan Hameng Buwono IX referred as governor and Sri Paku Alam VIII as its(the governor proxy.

Though province DIY has region that is small relative, but rich fascination wisata would. Visitor can find is assorted result of a real interesting art and artistry show and amazes.

As center art and cultural in Java, there are some kinds of fascinations wisata in Yogyakarta. This thing becomes reason why people reference Yogyakarta as its(the birth place Java culture. And mount lover, coastal or beautiful view, Yogyakarta also provides some places for the purpose.

This province also confessed as interesting place for the periset, geology expert, expert speleogi and vulcanology refers to existence of caves in active chalk rock area and volcano. In sub-province south Gunung Kidul is tip of sea, where there are some chalk rock deep sea biota fossils as its proof.

For the arkeolog, very attractive Yogyakarta because at least there are 36 temples / situs-situs history of here. There are some civilization ommission from century ke-9. One of them is, temple Prambanan is the biggest Hindu temple and most famous in Indonesia. Borobudur, the biggest Budha temple, noted as made one mistake “ seven miracles in world”. reachable Borobudur during 1 hour(clock from town, only 42 kms westside went out to sea Yogyakarta.

On The Way To Borobudur, can visit Candi Mendut and Candi Pawon. Temple Mendut is place for worship, with existence of arca Budha Gautama in it.

Some ceremonies ritual also still taking place in Yogyakarta, and still be executed hitherto.

Beautiful area, traditional architecture, social life, and ceremonys ritual makes Yogyakarta to become most interesting place to be visited. Artistic and traditional culture like music gamelan and traditional dances would always reminds life audience would of Yogyakarta some last centuries.

Development of modern technology growed in Indonesia and in Yogyakarta, this grows in harmony with traditional custom and ceremony.

By name his(its, Special Region Province Yogyakarta really special. Its(the gracious people. This thing forms their life and deportment. They like traditional athletics, archery as hobby as well as hardly likes game of turtledove bird. They also believes that people can live it up by listening bird chirp. competition of Traditional archery always carried out to commemorate king birth, so-called with “ Wiyosan Dalem”. And at the time of my Sri Sultan Hameng Buwono X borns, this tradition also is executed.

With existence of assorted of artistry of traditional custom and ceremony of which still taking place, Yogyakarta also is known as “ museum Java life”, what expressed in all form of traditional things in the form of vehicle, architecture, market, center cindera eye, museum, and many attraction choices wisata in Yogyakarta.

Kraton as pionir Jogja has a real influence necessary for Java public culture in Jogja. Public believes that Kraton is their culture reference. Some studies done in the year 1990 indicating that faithfulness of public to Kraton very height. The influence more and more extends semenjak Raja can merge charismatic leadership with modern and rational leadership.

One of the king is Sultan HB IX. He is figure which is uppermost during struggle when building Republic of indonesia. He becomes second vice president of RI supporting establishment of First college in Indonesia that is: College Gadjah Mada ( now UGM). He loans Siti Hinggil Lord an Pagelaran ( one part of the Kraton) as Kampus UGM the year 1945.

Tightly relationship between publics Jogja and Kraton seen real in artistry, ritual, and their custom ceremony. For example at traditional nuptialses, bridegroom and woman may dress monarchic family so-called ' basahan'. Ahead only empire family which may use the clothes.


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