If You paid a visit to Jl. Tirtodipuran, explains you will discover jejeran galeri-galeri selling art goods. But, tries also to step into his(its countrified. Among small gangways, you also able to find goods that is also competent to be made present, that is fan.
Located In Mangkuyudan MJ III/215, Jogja, Kipas Seni becomes center fan worker. Fan that is on the market all kinds and is faning with batik cloth cloth material. Besides fan with ordinary form, also there are hat fan. The fan besides applied to dissipate temperature atmosphere, also able to be applied as decoration of wall.
Material applied to fan is bamboo wulung as its(the framework and batik cloth. Batik cloth applied by Kipas Seni delivered from Delanggu. While its(the bamboo from worker in Bantul. otherwise wish to apply batik cloth, we also able to ask to change its(the cloth material. Ms. Dewi ( 37), owner of Kerajinan Kipas Seni tells that cloth type applied also is adapted for order from buyer.
Of course, besides sold and marketed [by] through galeri-galeri and batik shops in Jogja, Kipas Seni also frequently gets order. Tangung-tanggung order do not come from Jakarta, finite of other state like Malaysia, Italia, Dutch and Singapore. But according to Ms. Dewi, the existing finite of Kipas Seni at most sending goods to Kalimantan.
Most buyer comes by way of order, and most fan applied as souvenir. Products from Kipas Seni also able to be got in Batik Plentong, Supple Batik, and Batik Setaman. Faned Strarting art managed [by] Ms. Dewi since 1999 was, now has around 5 people worker all is woman. They working also is neighbours closest. All production processes done by the this mothers, like screen printing, makes pattern, finite of its(the finishing,
Fan that is on the market having immeasurable its(the measure, starts from smallest of the size 15 cm, esteemed Rp biggest finite 1000,- of the size 40 cm is esteemed [by] Rp 45000,-. " We also have ever made fan of the size 1,5 metre, but that is we made only if there are order only," says Diah, one of worker in Kipas Seni. Besides fan as its(the pledge product, Artistic Fan also produces decorative wax;candle, but wax;candle decorated the only produced [by] if there are order only.
Mebeler bamboo which initially merely was complement of housewares of rural household, have never been peeped at public. But the reality now becomes other, because mebeler bamboo can go up pamour, even becoming not embarrass when perched in prestigious houses. Change of the public appetite of course do not come abrupt, but through covering ground process.
If ditelisik, the process doesn't release broil from Mr. Kartodimejo, a perajin bamboo of countryside Cebongan, Sleman, Yogyakarta trying to produces chair from bamboo material wulung ( black). The scorpion, around year of 1970 s(he still still besimbah sweat nyunggi must ( brings above head) chairs his creation, from countryside by foot towards town Yogyakarta is aparting around 15 kms.
Even consciousness a lot has not enthuses it, Mr. Karto his(its non bored fringing town road(street Yogyakarta to vend its(the merchanidise. Today saleable one, tomorrow do not find buyer, and has just around four, the next five days of payon again, so(after about image of its(the journey. Aphorism basin do not recognized hence non darling, mebeler the scorpion bamboo of course still unheard-of of wide, palagi is darling.
Has just a few the next years in edge of street Suryotomo/Lojikecil, Yogyakarta, there is an agent mebeler strarting bamboo performs its(the merchanidise in cloister. After the time/date of that is public Yogya gradually recognizes it, until finally many buyers, even merely to be attached in house terrace;core, or receive children guest boards with. When has run flogs the next year, then mebeler really bamboo can enliven furniture market.
Kreasi and innovation perajin also grows, from initialy artless then dikutak – tick with engraving. Even not only limited to guest chair desk, but other product for example sketsel, bed, book rack and his(its conspecific, starts emerging in marketing. In few words mebeler bamboo like entering a period of booming, Mr. Karto also have been followed by many perajin its(the neighbour. Since a few years lately, countryside Sendari, Cebongan, Mlati, Sleman turns into ( a kind) sentra [crafting/ diligence] of bamboo entangles tens of perajin.
Local Government of Sub-Province Sleman also intervenes facility for example with segaramisation of business nameplate, and supply of farm in spacious a pice of land owned local kalurahan. Even must rent around Rp 1 juta/tahun, perajin-perajin like Hartono, Muryadi, Sugiarto, Sukidi, Ninik feels is steadier with its(the business. Different with Mr. Karto which berdarah-darah must, now perajin ready to open kios/toko, buyer has come x'self looks for it.
Its(the excitement is again, buyer is not merely from in around Yogyakarta, but also from other towns, even world. Ninik, with nameplate effort for Deling Asri for example, confess has the several exporting to Portugal and Phillipina. Similar export also done by Sugiarto, to Italian, Dutch and Germany, or Muryadi have ever exported British krypton, Swiss, Spanyol, American, Korsel, Turki, Austrian, Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia.
If in Bali many buildings design in such a manner so implying form of gate, in Yogyakarta there are hotel cusorily in the distance its(the design is rather alike with buildings Candi Prambanan. That is him(her Quality Hotel, in Jl. Laksda Adisutjipto having nuance Java with modern combination with its form trapeze. According To its(the Public Relation Manager Assistant Tri Sutami, the assumption of course doesn't wrong, because inspiration initially of course refers to building physical of Candi Prambanan.
Hotel with the eight floors, initially so called Hotel Belmon, then changes to become Hotel Aquila Prambanan, and last joined forces with network Choise, and change name becomes Quality Hotel. Before really enters the four star hotel, its(the guests will be greeted by two statues Hanoman. With all its(the sociabilities, employee who wraped by traditional cloth would sprier that opens door is greeting arrival of its(the guests.
Foot pedal in lobby, most certainly guest will find comfort by settlement of its(the interior. There is two large size ceramics tuns, intentionally is put down in left and right entrance. While some jars made in Kasongan, Bantul, put down at elbow painting Affandi. There also there is fishpond with water douche taken care of two fragon statues is having crown. In front of his(its is arranged [by] gamelan bonang and gender and siter which at the time of certain filled the air.
Hotel having 164 room;chambers is is business hotel and vacation. Hence not odd if at holiday season, room;chamber always full. The guests love to lodge here because close to airport, whereas access to downtown also relative easy. Around 85% guests we are domestic, only around 15% foreign guest, when met [by] Handicraft Indonesia. Told him, hotel which has operated the 15 years offers various its(the facilities and keunikan at each its(the room;chamber.
There are some classification of room;chamber, for example Deluxe, Studio Suite, Honeymooner, Junior Suite, Business Suite and President Suite differentiated according to its(the facility type and equipment. One of its(the example, room;chamber Honeymooner with tariff Rp. 650000,-/day, has cubicle facility and guest complete with various [crafting/ diligence]s as interior. Even repro Post Of Fice photograph Yogya made by the year 1910 terpajang in wall. This room;chamber hardly enthused by recently married couple!express Tami.
For guest wishs menu Chinese food can in Serayu Chinese and also Jogja Tei. Not only its(the menu, this restaurant also is design in such a manner with interior is having nuance China. For example just with painting and ceramics statue Kong Hu Cu which dipajang in glass cupboard. Athletic facility like fitnes and swimming pool also is provided in other location. While for meeting or seminar also available room is having capacities 50.
Though hotel as of class many dispersions in Yogyakarta, but Quality Hotel remain to can compete. Its proof, in general this hotel still becoming guests choice from various towns like Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya or Bali.
Love expression drawn from statues is being combines this love. Likely, they also can talk about understanding, be each other receive and gives.
The collection statues wooden as high as around 10 to 150 cm. Various statue expressions painted in style to be in love, bermesraan, smoochs, and scene within reason a couple of lover is being kasmaran. " I wish when people to see my statue not necessarily think, digests, interprets, and asks as statue is. But people direct tickled, laughs, and likes with this statues expression. Because this statue not abstraction," says its(the collector, Dr. Nopirin which also Faculty Of Economics lecturer UGM.
Journey collects having immeasurable its(the collection is started [by] since the year 1970, when Nopirin study S2 in University of Philipine, Philipina. That moment s(he marvels and tickled at a fairish statuette around 20 cm so called Men In The Barrel. The statue is in the form of boy which bersembuyi in a barrel, which if(when the barrel is opened, the boy statue will seen without cloth. Drollery and taste likes that is making Nopirin up to now collects it.
There is also statue which megekspresikan scene bes in love multifariously kinds of style and position. " I am not at all assumes this statues as thing vulgar and contains element of pornography, but esthetics value and art written in presentation of the statues," he/she said.
Now, to get collection of this far unnecessary statue hunted is finite to other side country, because statue actor here have been quite a lot of making it. Usually s(he earns in shop suvenir and [crafting/ diligence] shop in area Pucung in place of actor Sehono or buys in Bali, Lombok island, and Jakarta. Except which porcelain barium, s(he buys in Italian. Its(the collections amounts to approximant to reach 50 the effect of big finite pocket edition. The price also varies, starts Rp 200 thousand so reaching 5 million.
There is also statues is having theme woman. One of them is, woman statue so called Brayut - it is said its(the reeling from ancient Java epoch - what tells a woman who is having chlid many, more than five. Statue is having theme because of you, statue a pregnant woman and tells: because of you. Its(the simple language: I am pregnant because you. Or, statues which only with bodice appearance, privy parts of man and woman. There is also Adam and Eve statue residing in Taman Eden, be plucking fruit of khuldi, what bought it in Jakarta.
For treatment of the statues enough to be cleaned by the way of mop and sprayed with plitur barium water wood whiller and wood stand. collection of Its(the statue is now terpajang approximant in all sittingroom and in family room which is in the form of limasan. " Usually if friends from Bulaksumur came becoming their ger-geran material. I also likes because they can laugh when seeing this my statues," express it likes.
Father haves a daughter this 3 do not only wishs merely collecting, but looks for collection having certain theme. " I wish to collect with love theme, if collection with kinds of themes makes this life not directional. Life with theme makes is directional and has life totality," explains this Sri Sudiastuti husband.
Enjoys Is natty from ridge Kalikuning gives unforgettable experience. More than anything else, if it is added service of main resort class and facility.
Differed from other resort of which more able to be enjoyed if only with family or people closest, Kalyana Resort gives concept to differ in. This is resort giving opportunity for group in number limited to enjoy togetherness. This resort merupkan modern building blend of minimalis, green mountainside map, and modern facility. Four fruit of villa stands up among green trees with swimming pool haves water limpid, verandah of ancient palace place of eating with terrace;core above creavasse, and amphitheater in vinicity.
Do not too near, but also non enough far from Merapi. Kalyana Resort stands up above land (of) with a width of 10000 square meters. Three fruit of villa is built with modern concept, each with 2 room;chamber, 3 room;chamber, and 4 room;chamber. Another, this building has 14 room;chambers. This acurate resort applied for meeting company, nuptials party, activity retret, outbound, family reunion, and other activity with number of quite a lot participants.
Because the different concept, Kalyana is not many providing addition facility exploiting natural resources. But, for activity a kind of meeting or nuptials party, Kalyana have separate excess. Here available meeting room which representatif. Visual audio of room also available, for small meeting and can be functioned as mini cinema for entertainment amusement in between meeting. Library with a number of collections and internet network is addition facility which able to be obtained.
Kalyana location do not off street Kaliurang Km 22. Its(the access is hardly easy to because residing in line wisata towards Kaliurang. Its(the location which 3 kilometre only in wisata area south, makes Kalyana presents rural typical situation of hillside. Acurate in its(the east side, creavasse Kalikuning which in carpeting. Blue natty Temporary seems to clearly seen enjoyed from gazebo.
Wide yard with thick grass carpets in resort east side adds kenyamaan. Swimming pool stays middle of area, makes we can enjoy its(the green edge forest times bathing. Besides, warmness coffee will felt is scrumptious is drinked with semilir mount wind and food typical of Kaliurang: jadah tempe.
Hello, safe of Monday… ." Voice that is which we would hear when contacting number Dagadu Djokdja. Greeting typical of that also which for example making them can stay in the middle of siege of external fashion product.
Beginning of year 1990-an a number of youngsters which still having status jumpy and apprehensive student with adventure of his(its creative masterpiece is till now. His(its creative masterpiece process tends to has not can get place in public. More than anything else they wish one places where the masterpieces confessed by many people and useful.
Then fresh breeze came when is exist " leak" from Mr. Wondo Amiseno about will be built it mall ( at that time became the only in Jogja) which is not merely for konter-konter shop, but also cloister merchant concept. A few the leaks lures at the same time answers apprehension of the young children. They then compromised makes masterpieces they are part of the mall concept.
The problem of kaos oblong selected, in fact since beginning of was not meant like that. But, kaos becomes one of product typical of their cinderamata. " Because we have been accustomed to tourism products, one of them is kaos and other pernik-pernik," says Ahmad Noor Arif, Director PT. Aseli Dagadu Djokdja. Its(the on unique, name of dagadu instead have never emerges until they to have potting in the mall.
Step gone through by them it is possible that quickly and brings new phenomenon in the form of business which revolutif. " Though at that time, we mostly architecture technique student is less so(after understanding with business line, he..he..he.. ," accuses it.
But intention they which wish to make thing having a meaning (of) typically for its(the town is stronger compared to to manages technical of business. Now, nahkoda company producing it full of this persiflage controlled from its(the head office in area Jalan Pakuningratan. Even its(the product inviting smiles and invites joking, children Dagadu simply develops its(the business is seriously.
Time which then sharpens them must have good management system for development of company hereinafter. Range of time 1994 until beginning of the year 2000 is a period of golden of Dagadu. At least, the years becomes company era is having logo the dilated eye. " In exact calculates of course we have never does. But in that year, we really experiences increase which signifikan for amounts kaos sold," said this sturdy man.
Then how with now happened when similar business has started marak, whereas name of Dagadu has flagged until becoming town ikon Jogja? " Which we do is with interest makes professional, effective, and efficient worked us," he/she said. Any way, adds it, Dagadu till now has become life arm rest for tens of employee and pride Kota Budaya.
Recipe that is now gone through that is by streamlining parts of promotion and marketing. Meanwhile, design becomes bodywork which must be given motion space to give support from to creative process. " However, desainer becomes important component to open new colour of Dagadu
As culture town, Jogja becomes life with creative process always present. Jogja Sketsa Vaganza tries clarifies spirit Jogja as cultural town and the pencinta art.
Sketch is essential part of process kreasi done by most all people if coming into contact with art like artist, pematung, architect, or a desainer. Swan song performed in the form of sketch masterpieces appearance from a number of professions coming into contact with creation job(activity of art to be able to see a number of various sketch in materialization, media, the role and function and also position from its(the creator actor. " Yogyakarta increasingly explains its(the position as town growing with all its(the characteristics," said Dyan Anggraini Rais, Head Of Culture Garden Yogyakarta. This is one reason of Taman Budaya Yogyakarta performs exhibition having coronet Jogja Sketsa Vaganza.
Jogja Sketsa Vaganza performed in Taman Budaya Yogyakarta by 9-20 Decembers 2006 then followed by 57 good kreator of that is architect, desainer furniture ( furniture), desainer batik or textile, desainer ornament, mode designer, fotografer, artistic orderer, and podium. This exhibition also becomes spirit expression place to all perupa Jogja.
This exhibition gets attention of 3 people curator; Suwarno Wisetrotomo, M Agus Burhan and Anusapati. Meanwhile, one of curator, M. Agus Burhan, lays open, sketch in this legible exhibition as mode to see a number of possibility that potency, character, function of around line, in consequence this exhibition designedly enlivened by the kreator which has not is chummy in fine arts podium like the desainer and architect.
Acting Mayor Jogja, Haryadi Suyuti, tells, Jogja is special town, from this town has many borne [by] big actor as well as on file as of art potency warehouse, so that the role of inseparable actor from town dynamics Jogja. Existence of the actors would increasingly tightens nuance and situation Jogja as cultural town and the very potential actors to increase tourism sector.
Suwarno Wisetrotomo sees Jogja Sketsa Vaganza can be made starting points for periodic activity in coming. Of course by the way of sharply its(the legible theme as mode documents something about development of urban planning, heritage, and social change by the way of simple and direct with sketch. Yogyakarta as culture town still have not shown real spirit in managing properties of its(the culture. " I see a lot that there are still neglected; museum which is dirty, social un-orderliness, and others. Jogja Sketsa Vaganza at least memcahkan can some problems is concerning town Yogyakarta," he said.
This exhibition at the same time to accommodate and representation to wide public about development of understanding, form, and a real having immeasurable exploration from a number of artists, pematung, pegrafis, pedesain, as well as perupa. On display sketch masterpieces from Fadjar Sidik, Widayat, Edhi Sunarso ( Alm), Sun Ardi, Suwaji, Edi Sunaryo, Nasirun, Alex Luthfi R, Suatmadji, Ivan Sagita, Dyan Anggraini, Agus Suwage, Afif Syakur, Nita Azhar. Other masterpieces is presented [by] Ugo Untoro, Samuel Indratma, Nindityo Adi Purnomo, Mella Jaarsma, Titarubi, and Yamyuli Dwi Iman.
" Problem of our fine arts simply still also interesting even only talks the problem of point, the problem of line, also rancang-merancang, even everyday problem. Exposes x'self to event of this exhibition, I think will make life is more life," says the Kurator.
Malioboro can be told as bustle heart of town Jogja, because the many merchants and visitor elapsing grass. A real area multitude either in roadside having corridor or at roadway although one way. From traditional vehicle like pedicab, buggy, bicycle, wagon and also vehicle is having machine like car, cab, town bus, publik transport or motorbike.
Area Malioboro as one of area wisata town pledge shopping Jogja, this supported by existence of shop, ruma eats, central the its(the cloister merchants.
For shop, the shopping centre and restaurant actually same as center business and shopping in other big towns, glorious with big nama-merk and there are also local names. Goods commercialized from import goods and also local, from basic necessities until electronic goods, furniture and others. Also provides multifarious of [crafting/ diligence], for example batik, puppets, matting, bag and others. There is also place of foreign money conversion, bank, hotel is having star finite of jasmine type.
The Hoisterous Of Malioboro do not get out of the many the cloister merchants having align along the length of Jl. Malioboro. Most all on the market is goods typical of Jogja as souvenir for tourist. They trade [crafting/ diligence] of public?people like cane matting, skin, batik, silver, bamboo and other, in the form of batik clothes, leather suitcase, bamboo key hanger, sendok/garpu silver, blangkon batik ( hat typical of Jogja/jawa-red), kaos with various models /tulisan and a lot still other. The this cloister merchants performs its(the merchanidise above desk, wagon or only performs plastic in floor
Actually Jl. Malioboro from tip of to tip of only distance around 2 kilometre only, but life pulse of area Malioboro have never desisted. The hoisterous of life of shop and cloister merchant performing its(the merchanidise, will be replaced by merchant lesehan when hour(clock starts refers number 9 night. Food provided and on the market from food type typical of Jogja that is rice gudeg and chicken fries as well as food Padang, Chinesse Food and others. When enjoying dish presented, you will be amused by music from quite a lot road street musician from which just bringing guitar adapula bringing equipments of complete music.
In area that is most tourist still mentioning it as Malioboro, many locations which can be visited. For example market is having Beringharjo, fortress Vredeburg, Gedung Agung, Kraton, Museum Sono Budoyo, and lainnya.*(Jo
The year 1785, at sat Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono II is having throne in Kraton ngayogjakarta Hadiningrat, built a wall made from brick along the length of 5 km as defence fortress from Dutch attack. Wall encircling this kraton then usualy is called as fortress, and has 5 fruit of gateway connecting world in kraton ( njeron beteng) with world outside kraton.
Because form of curved gateway that is people calls it ' plengkung'. Now, only Plengkung Wijilan and Plengkung Gading which still seen intact. Medium of 3 other plengkung has collapsed.
Plengkung Wijilan actually girds name of opening as Plengkung Tarunasura, what has philosophy meaning " Braveman Young Man". While public around mentioning it with Plengkung Wijilan", because this place is entrance dank external e to complex kraton, or Javanese calls it ' wijil'.
But, why then region ' njeron beteng ' which is including this Kecamatan Kraton then becomes sentra gudheg Jogja? It is possible that, here is central from food supplier for young soldiers of Kraton Ngayogjakarta heroic, makes provision against Dutch army incursion Possibly* ( Jo)
Under mount shadow as high as 2914 metre, so-called Gunung Merapi, stands up Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat, one of empire of Mataram in Java.
Now is conceived of Yogyakarta ( Jogja) starts the year 1755, when region Kerajaan Mataram is divided to to become Sultanate Yogyakarta and Surakarta ( Solo).
Keraton Yogyakarta built by Pangeran Mangkubumi at that moment, and he applies keraton as center area very influential in Java since century ke-17. Keraton remain to be center traditional life and though there are modernization in century ke-20, keraton remain to transmits spirit [of] perity, what marked with its(the culture during for centuries.
Yogyakarta is one of center culture in Java. Music gamelan is sight from past, classical and sejaman, show of a real beautiful Java dances and inebriats, demonstrates shadow play and hundreds of traditional artistry of making the visitors fascinated.
Spirit [of] remarkable life and warm feeling of this town x'self seldom fade. Contemporary art also grows in its(the fertility culture and public Yogyakarta. ASRI, AKADEMI SENI RUPA, for example, be center artistry here, and Yogyakarta has registered its(the name as a important modern paint art school in Indonesia, which could probably be examplizeed in artist figure impresionis, Affandi.
This province is one of solid area in Indonesia and is main gate towards center Java where geographically this place stays. Unfolds from Gunung Merapi in northside towards Indian Ocean in side south. Daily air transport connects Yogyakarta with Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bali, also train and transportation of bus offers journey of land with same route.
Special Region Province Yogyakarta ( shortened with Jogja), be one of 34 provinces in Indonesia. This province divided to become 5 area level of II, Kotamadia Yogyakarta, Sub-Province Bantul, Kabupaten Sleman, Sub-Province Kulon Progo, and Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Wide Yogyakarta around 3186 square kms, with resident total 3.226.443 ( Statistic December 1997). This famous province as culture town and education and is area purpose of wisata.
Based upon the history, before 1755 Surakarta is capital of Kerajaan Mataram. After agreement Gianti ( Palihan Nagar) at 1755, mataram is divided to to become 2 empire: Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat and Kasultanan Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat. Follows habit, Prince Mangkubumi,brother Susuhunan Pakubuwono II, crowned as Raja Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat. Then he(she conceived of my Hameng Sultan Buwono I Pada the year 1813, under colonization of British, dissociation of empire of Mataram happened for its(the ketiga-kali. Prince Notokusumo, putra from my Hameng Buwono I, crowned as its(the Pangeran Paku Alam I Kerajaan separated from Kasultanan Yogyakarta.
When Republic of indonesia stands up by 17 Augusts 1945, what symbolised with signing Proklamasi Kemerdekaan, Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat and Pakualaman one as wrong one of province in Indonesia where my Sri Sultan Hameng Buwono IX referred as governor and Sri Paku Alam VIII as its(the governor proxy.
Though province DIY has region that is small relative, but rich fascination wisata would. Visitor can find is assorted result of a real interesting art and artistry show and amazes.
As center art and cultural in Java, there are some kinds of fascinations wisata in Yogyakarta. This thing becomes reason why people reference Yogyakarta as its(the birth place Java culture. And mount lover, coastal or beautiful view, Yogyakarta also provides some places for the purpose.
This province also confessed as interesting place for the periset, geology expert, expert speleogi and vulcanology refers to existence of caves in active chalk rock area and volcano. In sub-province south Gunung Kidul is tip of sea, where there are some chalk rock deep sea biota fossils as its proof.
For the arkeolog, very attractive Yogyakarta because at least there are 36 temples / situs-situs history of here. There are some civilization ommission from century ke-9. One of them is, temple Prambanan is the biggest Hindu temple and most famous in Indonesia. Borobudur, the biggest Budha temple, noted as made one mistake “ seven miracles in world”. reachable Borobudur during 1 hour(clock from town, only 42 kms westside went out to sea Yogyakarta.
On The Way To Borobudur, can visit Candi Mendut and Candi Pawon. Temple Mendut is place for worship, with existence of arca Budha Gautama in it.
Some ceremonies ritual also still taking place in Yogyakarta, and still be executed hitherto.
Beautiful area, traditional architecture, social life, and ceremonys ritual makes Yogyakarta to become most interesting place to be visited. Artistic and traditional culture like music gamelan and traditional dances would always reminds life audience would of Yogyakarta some last centuries.
Development of modern technology growed in Indonesia and in Yogyakarta, this grows in harmony with traditional custom and ceremony.
By name his(its, Special Region Province Yogyakarta really special. Its(the gracious people. This thing forms their life and deportment. They like traditional athletics, archery as hobby as well as hardly likes game of turtledove bird. They also believes that people can live it up by listening bird chirp. competition of Traditional archery always carried out to commemorate king birth, so-called with “ Wiyosan Dalem”. And at the time of my Sri Sultan Hameng Buwono X borns, this tradition also is executed.
With existence of assorted of artistry of traditional custom and ceremony of which still taking place, Yogyakarta also is known as “ museum Java life”, what expressed in all form of traditional things in the form of vehicle, architecture, market, center cindera eye, museum, and many attraction choices wisata in Yogyakarta.
Kraton as pionir Jogja has a real influence necessary for Java public culture in Jogja. Public believes that Kraton is their culture reference. Some studies done in the year 1990 indicating that faithfulness of public to Kraton very height. The influence more and more extends semenjak Raja can merge charismatic leadership with modern and rational leadership.
One of the king is Sultan HB IX. He is figure which is uppermost during struggle when building Republic of indonesia. He becomes second vice president of RI supporting establishment of First college in Indonesia that is: College Gadjah Mada ( now UGM). He loans Siti Hinggil Lord an Pagelaran ( one part of the Kraton) as Kampus UGM the year 1945.
Tightly relationship between publics Jogja and Kraton seen real in artistry, ritual, and their custom ceremony. For example at traditional nuptialses, bridegroom and woman may dress monarchic family so-called ' basahan'. Ahead only empire family which may use the clothes.