Sunday, February 7, 2010

ceramics pundong

Orchard Jetis, Panjangrejo, located in district Pundong, Bantul, around 20 kilometre southward town Yogyakarta. In district of Pundong there are some other orchards now grows to become industrial sentra of pottery, but Jetis has separate keunikan. In Jetis we can witness pottery in the form of most traditional, namely form of functional bases, for example pot, belanga, frying pan, kendhi, genthong water and cobek. Technics produced it is also still same as used by their great-grandparents some generations before all.

One of keunikan which still able is witnessed in Jetis is way of making of pottery which still using is technics turned around, one of technics of traditional base which have been recognized since hundreds of last year. Main equipments is perbot or rotary table which wooden, while processing combustion still be done with open stove made from formation batu-bata. Firewood as component of burning besides obtained from area of around also delivered from Purworejo.

Clay as component of base usually delivered from area Godean, Kabupaten Sleman, what assumed with quality enough good. " Hard land price one 3 m3 average of Rp. 175000,00," light Mr. Dasilan. Average of clay so much fullfills to produce during one months, except there are order in gross.

But, as tendency taking place in sentra [crafting/ diligence] of other pottery, request of market pushs perajin to produce new forms. For example just of lamp shade, ceramics panels, ashtray, celengan, and or decoration polymorphism of clay barium. Even do not seldom form or design which is totally new also is made based on order. But if(when there is no order, the perajin will return to produces pottery goods for requirement of household. Diversification effort of produkpun grows hardly quickly so that goods yielded not merely for kitchen that is simple but have been can yield various functional objects and also decorative object bought by middle public upward.

Process finishing also highly varied starts from terracotta natural colour up to coloration applies paint and pelapis with various interesting colours. Pottery product marketing from Yogyakarta is not merely at local level but have been able to pierce export market to various Negara with export value that is enough is height. Price on the market also is reached, starts from tens of thousand until hundreds of thousand rupiahs. Magnitude the price of depended from product measure, design, complication of workmanship and addition-agent applied. Addition-agent usage ( technical patched) with in site material vitriform, eggshell, and thyroid enceng increasingly adds eksotika product.

As does most of other Kecamatan Pundong resident, actually main living of resident Jetis is farmed. Profession as side line pottery maker only only. " Makes pottery actually profession while hereditary. Our great-grandparents since famous former as pottery maker like genthong, frying-pan and kendhi", says Mr. Dasilan, perajin pottery having place of the biggest production in Jetis.

30 last year, product type and also market scope they still be very simple limited and around Pundong only. However since the year 1974, the side line started gets attention touch from government of local countryside. Some members asked for industrial expansion training of pottery, which then is folowed up with help of product marketing they are through KUD Panjangrejo. But comprehensive and intensive training has just been done in year 1990-an by Departemen Perindustrian DIY and related institutes.

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