Thursday, January 29, 2009

backpacker jogja :Wisata Enableness of Rural And original Public

Rural Java Public According To Floating Sri Juwita

In any case according to Javanese opinion?sight x'self, culture of Java is not one of homogeneous unity ( Koentjaraningrat). Variety awareness would of culture having the character of regional is based to difference of nature area; hinterland and coastal area, urban and keraton, having each is different culture pattern. Based on this reality, book compiler Layang Sri Juwita squarely lays open situation of life of tending to rural Java public that there are still situated behind. Disclosure to life side that is is not promises this future hope do not be meant to flatter Java culture that is in general has been confessed its(the exaltus, but justeru meant as effort to look for resolving and way out so that rural public can lift its(the prestige as within reason its(the brothers and sisters in urban.

In education problem of chlid, countryside resident tends to endows cleverness which in earning from both its(the old fellows to its(the children without business is improve;repairing or makes perfect it as as described at citation following.

Daughter who ordered takes care of its(the sister?brother, doesn't understand at all way of how taking care of sister?brother to take care of it. So done also which have been known it from its(the mother, if peckish disuapin, if defecation dicebokin, if weeps ditimang-timang, if silent is let only, only that only. Moppet that is at one's post dirty, crawls in worrying place, more than anything else play at endangering, that has is not paid attention same of sekali…Apa done by its(the mother that is partaken by the chlid, not true and not good, in consequence all its(the childrens nor good something ( 13).

Beside there is no effort improve;repairs or makes perfect all thing has been received from both its(the old fellows, position of old fellow is tending to negativity to formal education benefit in school increasingly causes retrogression of rural resident life procedure. Parent of opinion that formal education in school will cause daughter do not want to do household duty, even will act dare to to husband later. What experienced by and done by daughter also is experienced by and done by boy. Old fellow had satisfied if its(the boy is clever is livestock shepherd.

Boy who have been rather big, its(the age is ten years or eleven years, something becomes penggembala livestock property of others, who in a few year can obtain child of cow. According to its(the old fellow opinion, its(the chlid have been diligent and super ( 11).

After boy adult works in rice field by having agriculture knowledge which minim once. They tend to isolating xself so that difficult to receive and develops new things for the shake of progress of effort for the agriculture. And so do position they are in trades. They melangkah refuse to withdrew if doing mistake of strategy so that trade business which they elaborate that finally experiences loss and finally closes down. However surprisingly with condition of family economics that is low relative, they still hold tradition which has been taught by both its(the old fellows, be doing custom ceremony, like ceremony seven months, upcara puser, and alms ceremony for family which has passed away. All the finishs cost that is big enough. As a result they increasingly unable to take care of its(the children competently.

Life procedures done by rural Java public, which seems to have been inappropriate again with epoch demand. Referring to the book compiler Layang Sri Juwita feels called to improve;repair life procedures, which actually harms the consumer. Besides life procedures embraced by rural Java resident can be considered to be thing that paradoksal with culture of Java public, especially embraced by urban Java public and keraton.

To improve;repair backwardness of rural Java resident of compiler itab Layang Sri Juwita submits some concepts which can be gist;sari as follows:

1. To overcome stupidity, old fellow shall send to school its(the chlid in formal school.

2. As a husband, which [is] obliged to lead, men which has kept house should not be reluctant given advice to its(the wife that per good me.

3. in advicing wife, husband shall apply soft language, even if possibly applies allusion language.

4. Giving of example of act and per me which praised absolute given by husband. Advice having the character of ori without accompanied [by] practice there will be no its(the benefit.

5. As according to his(its natural as woman, having physical of light, a wife requires protection of physical and also protection of mind.

Based on reality which protactinium at book Layang Sri Juwita, inferential that position nrimo done by rural resident of that is position of negative nrimo. In Java culture, position nrimo has wide understanding and interpretation. Someone, as God creature, must still try and prays maximum. After that thing is done, the must be tough receives anything destined by God to it. Besides as member of world public, they righteously open and settles for renewal without leaving identity which has been owned.

Source :

Coordination Team of Culture Directorate General Broadcast. 1992. Culture Repertoire Miscellaneous Nusantara IV. Jakarta: Department of Education and Kebudayaan.

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