The young Prince Dorodjatun who was to become the next sultan, was sent to live wiyh Dutch families from the age of four, and attended Dutch schools in Yogya,
Because of the unstable situation in
Fluent in Dutch and conversant in western political and economic matters, the young sultan to be prudently negotiated the terms of his rule with the colonial government for six months before agreeing to ascend the throne. In his coronation speech ( in Dutch), he proudly declared : “Although I have a Western education, I am first and Foremost a Javanese.”
Practical and quick to act, Hamengkubuwono IX assumed responsibility for the day to day administration of his realm in extremely difficult times. Through three and a half years of wartime occupation (1942 – 1945) he steadfastly refused japanese request to send Yogyanese laborers abroad to an almost certain death, insisting that they were needed at home to construc an irrigation canal linking the progo and Opak rivers, Frequent visits incognito to the villages, meanwhile, kept him in touch with the peasants and their deteriorating living conditions.
His support of the new
Five months after his death, on march 7 1989, his eldest son was crowned Hamengkubuwono X amidst much pomp and ceremony. The young sultan has inherited not only his father’s throne but also some of his charisma and common sense. Chairman of the local chamber of commerce and a member of the national legislature, the new sultan is a popular figure who is very much aware of his dual role as preserver of Yogya’s traditional culture and pioneer of the city’s future.
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